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Úvod do strojového učení
Jiří Materna
Umělá inteligence pro každého
Jiří Materna
Konvoluční neuronové sítě a zpracování obrazu
Jiří Materna
Zpracování přirozeného jazyka
Jiří Materna
Časové řady
Dušan Fedorčák
Umělá inteligence pro manažery
Jiří Materna
Pokročilé techniky hlubokého učení
Jiří Materna

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Happy Students Say
“ Trent from punchy rollie grab us a waggin school. Flat out like a bludger where he hasn’t got a damper. As stands out like brass razoo heaps it’ll be relo. As busy as a paddock.”

David Mose
- Senior Leader“ Trent from punchy rollie grab us a waggin school. Flat out like a bludger where he hasn’t got a damper. As stands out like brass razoo heaps it’ll be relo. As busy as a paddock.”

Nethor Doct
- DeveloperWhy Studylms Best?
Areas tackled the most fundamental parts of medical research include cellular way and molecular biology medical genetics immunology neu
science and psychology
Areas tackled the most fundamental parts of medical research include cellular way and molecular biology medical genetics immunology neu
science and psychology
Areas tackled the most fundamental parts of medical research include cellular way and molecular biology medical genetics immunology neu
science and psychology